Tuesday 22 March 2016

Chapter 2 Questions


Chapter 2 QUESTIONS        Graphic Solutions


            1.      What are the four stages of the Problem Solving Methodology?
The four stages of problem solving is Analysis, Design, Development and Evaluation.

2.      What is a Macro?
 A macro is an automated way of mimicing the input of data.

3.      What is validation.
Validation is used to make sure that the input is accurate or reliable for use.

4.      Give an example of validation.
An example for validation is checking that the data collected was sourced legitimantly and unbiased.

5.      Give an example of manual validation.
An example of 'manual validation' is by personally going around clarifyng sources/research.

6.      How can you assess how CLEAR a graphical solution is?
The graphic solution can be assessed on clearness is by getting outside sources/people to view it and give their opinion.

7.      How can you assess the USEABLITY of a graphical solution?
To assess the useability of the graphic solution, the data must be compared and its relevance to see if it meets the hypothosis and purpose of the infographic.

8.      Name three facts about colour use in graphical solutions.
Three facts on colour in graphic solutions is to have a minimal amount of colour pallete, the colours chosen to be relevant (green for nature,) and that it is apealling to the eye. 

9.      What is the purpose of a graphical solution?
Grahical soloutions are used to represent the ordered data in a way where i can be simplified  and easy to understand.

10.   How do you ensure the graphical solution meets its purpose?
To ensure the graphic meets it's purpose, it has to be compared with 'Evaluation Criteria.'
12.   What is the difference between FORMATS and CONVENTIONS?
Format is generally used for appearence, whereas Conventions are used as a baseline or 'rule' to follow.

13.   What is the purpose of white space?
White space is generally used as a contrast against the rest of the space.

14.   Name 4 types of testing.
Four types of testing are completeness, reliability presentation functionality.

15.   Draw an IPO chart for a BMI calculator.



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