Monday 21 March 2016

Chapter One Questions 

Q1:  Define “Open Ended Question”.
An open ended question is a question with no definite answer, one that does not need a definite choice.
Q2: Give an example of an “Open Ended Question”
 An example of an "Open Ended Question' could be "Will you please do me a favor"
Q3: Why are “Open Ended Questions” helpful?
"Open Ended Questions" can be helpful when surveying small groups or populations.
Q4: Why would you avoid using “Open Ended Questions?
You would avoid using "Open Ended Questions" because although the information is better, the time it takes to sort out the information can be stressful and take long periods of time.
Q5: What is “Vested Interest”?
Vested interest is a personal reason for somebody to undertake a situation.
Q6: Give an example of “Vested Interest”.
 An example of vested interest would be "A company takes into account of a new program that is being held so the company gets involved. 
Q7: What is a “Participation Information Statement”?
“Participation Information Statement” is statement outlining what the participant will do or what will happen in an investigation.
Q8: Why is a “Participation Information Statement”? important?
“Participation Information Statement” is important because it outlines what the participant will do and how they will be involved.
Q9: What is a stakeholder?
A stakeholder is anyone that can be affected or can affect an organisation.
Q10:  Give an example of a stakeholder in an investigation.
An example of a stakeholder would be the source of the data or person giving the data.
Q11:  What is “Decryption”?
Decryption is the process of taking encoded or encrypted text or other data and converting it back into text that you or the computer can read and understand.
Q12: What is a “Differential Backup”?
“Differential Backup” is a backup of all the changes made since the initial backup
Q13: When collecting data name 3 things that affect Data Quality.
Three things that can affect data quality are the 
  • History (age of data)
  • Bias (valedictory of the data)
  •  Stored ( how its kept safe)

Q14:  What can be used to ensure readers your published data is good quality data.
A link or credit can be used to insure that the data quality is good.
Q15: Name the law and the year it was enacted that ensures investigations secure and protect their data.

The Data Protection Act was enacted in 1988 ensuring that all data collected must be kept safe and if anything that would happen to it.

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