Monday 18 April 2016



1 or a 0 = bit
8 bits = 1 byte
Each letter, symbol, value = 1 byte

          Router --> Identify each node - calculations about where to send a packet of data
          Switch --> makes connections from nodes to the Server or Router

Data in transfer is broken into packets.
          Example:      a   <– 8 bits      email   <- 100’s of bits

BUT: In data transfer we deal in bits per second. A packet is a group of bits that will be transferred across a network to be collected and put back together on the receiving device.

Types of Networks:
          Client/Server – Server is the device that manages the data while clients receive data.
          Peer/Peer – All devices share data equally.

Network Architecture


     Twisted Pair: very cheap to produce, but has a lower bandwidth, not very hard to tap into.
     Coaxial Cable: much higher bandwidth, high speed, more expensive, hard to tap into.
     Fiber Optic Cable: extremely high speed and bandwidth, very expensive, very hard to tap into.


     Wireless: very easy to tap into, covers a large proximity, easy to setup and install.
     Bluetooth: covers a smaller radius, lower bandwidth, very useful, cheap.
     NFC: extremely easy to tap into, not as cheap, very useful, requires direct contact.

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