Thursday 21 April 2016



Networks provide opportunity for threat to data all the time!.

Deliberate threats include the following malware- Viruses, Adware, Hacking (So 1980s), Keyloggers, Spyware, Worms, Trojans, Logic Bombs and Phishing.

Viruses- Embed in programs to be malicious (Deleting Files).

Spyware- Sends your data to a 3rd party.

Key loggers- Counts and records key strokes.

Adware- Embeds into programs (mostly browsers) to display advertising.

Logic Bomb- Triggered by an event to do something malicious.

Worm- Fills the transmission medium with copies of itself to slow down connections.

Hacking (80s stuff)- Accessing data without authorization 

Trojan- Appearing to be a game or something we want- but it isn't.

Phishing- Email scam promising business rewards to gain financial information.
Security Measures
Firewalls determain what passes through the network. It can be a physical firewall such as NetGear proxy server or it can be software such as windows and mac OS firewalls. It has controls where you can set the rules of what can enter the network.

-Passwords and accounts user ID's 
-Controls the access of an individual 
- Four digit pin how many combinations (10,000 to the power of negative 10(4)

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