Sunday 28 August 2016

John's Choices

John's Choices

For my project, I'll be using a timeline to represent the change over time as well as a column chart and a pie chart to display,

The data I collected is from the United Nations Data website and

I will be researching the use of mobile phones in various different country's to see whether or not the phone manufacturing country's are prone to more mobile usage than country's that are consumers of the product's produced.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Rahul - Data Visualisation Post 1

For my visualization, I plan to use a pie chart to show how employment affects internet usage over between the years 2006 and 2011. I also plan to use a bubble chart to display the change in internet usage over time vs. the number of people employed and the population of the country.

Weeks 8 & 9 - Presentations & Topic Test for U2O2

Your Presentations are due on Friday 2 September!

For maximum opportunity for feedback on your work please follow the following guide:

  • Complete your visualisation by TUESDAY 30 September
  • Thursday 1 September you will prepare your presentation
  • Friday 2 September: You will present to the class.

8.5 Computer Lab is open on monday, Tuesday and Friday lunchtimes for students to work quietly on IT related projects. Make the most of this opportunity!

TOPIC TEST - Friday 9 September!

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Bunmi's Choices

The data I collected was from investigations conducted from 2012-2013 and is represented as percentages within a Margin of error, as the Census was not conducted by the ABS on 2012 or 2013 I had to take an estimated population for both years from the ABS

For my project, I decided it would be best to present my data through pie and line charts to show proportions and identify relationships, also I will use area charts to compare two data sets at once and bubble charts to show a combination of the variables on one plane.

From the links I've explored on the blog, I've decided that  to make my visualizations simpler and more interactive it would be beneficial to allow the user transition from chart type to the next instead of dumping and compressing them into one space. Additionally, I'll be making use of a limited colour palette and present my visualizations in a minimalist style so that it is easy to read

Response Jackson Cook

Response Jackson Cook

For my practical I am going to be using both gauge diagram and a timeline to display my data, as the gauge allows me to thematically display my data comparatively and the timeline allows me to display the data over time.

In investigating possible visualization examples, I found that by using scale in my data allows the viewer to have an insight into what the data actually means rather than them just being displayed numbers and statistics. I also found that by having an aspect of interactivity can be used to entice the viewer and make the presentation more interesting rather than using static diagrams.

Dynamic Visualisations Thursday & Friday 25-26 August

Since the class has made it clear that it prefers that I do NOT use my projector - I have decided to provide all the information here on the blog.

Your homework for Thursday 25 August was to:

  1. finalise your data sets
  2. decide on your chart types
  3. investigate the visualisation links on the posts below and name 2 things you thought might inspire your final project.


Your work for Friday 26th August:

1. Investigate Visualisation examples here: 
    2. CHOOSE HOW you will make your visualisation:



    Don't forget to refer to the Example on Simon:

    And the final visualisaton from the three charts on Simon:

    Monday 15 August 2016

    Information Problem

    You must have decided on an Inverstigation Problem/Question and have your data sets (at least 3) collected by Monday 22 August.

    The pregnancy story...

    Here it is...

    Barry Jones' Knowledge Nation

    Barry Jones was the Minister for Science and Technology and he presented this diagram to launch thr program "Knowledge Nation"

    But due to the complex nature of the diagram he was ridiculed despite the fact that the program was an important development fo rthe country. The link below is an SMH article reflecting on the bad press as a result.

    Wednesday 10 August 2016

    The CORRECT notes.

    In relation to programming, there are several different data types which include:

    • Text(String)
    • Integer
    • Floating point (real) numbers/ i.e Single or Double
    • Date/Time (Timestamp)
    • Boolean
    • Character
    • Byte
    • Currency
    • Etc.

    It is important to consider the structure of your data when choosing a data type as pieces could be lost in the exchange or the information may become unusable/invalid.

    For instance, converting a time-stamp into an integer means that numbers after the ':' (i.e minutes/seconds) will be erased in favor of the hours.

    When storing text, sound or images, it is important to consider it's resolution which is a measure of how much detail is in:

    • Images (dots per inch when printed or pixels per inch when onscreen and colour depth)
    • Videos(frames per second, frame size and bitrate)
    • Audio(sample rate of frequency, bit depth and number of channels)

    This is especially of concern when considering methods of compression, Lossy methods of compression are designed to shrink file sizes but result in a loss of detail.

    On the other hand Lossless compression can not reduce file sizes as much as Lossy methods but they do not reduce the quality of the file instead they summarise the data.

    Digital systemsare comprised of the hardware and software required to support programming and software use.

    They are divided into several groups:

    • Networks exchange data between groups
    • Rules/Protocols that coordinate and standardise communication between devices
    • Software which is present in the form of systems, applications or utilities
    • Hardware as physical equipment for input, output, storage, processing and communication
    • Application architecture, which are principles that provide a framework for resolving recurring errors.
    Hardware such as processing hardware and input/output devices are components of digital systems that we can physically interact with

    Processing hardware such as CPU and GPU convert data into information while coordinaing all of the other hardware in the system.

    There are a few different utitiles that are useful when building programs:

    • Editors are text editors that allow a programmer to write or modify code
    • Compilers converts programmer's code to machine code so it can be executed
    • Linkers are Libraries/Collections of useful modules/small software that can be incorporated into the program

      In programming, functional requirements are things that the program is required to do and non-functional requirements detail the process of how the program meets the functional requirements. 
    In order to carry out these functions, the program must receive compiled language that is converted from the interpreted language that the programmer reads, the programmer may also utilize internal documentation to explain the purpose of certain sections of code.

    Internal documentation is an important part of programming along with structure diagrams such as IPO charts, Pseudocode and Object descriptions as they reduce the probability of Syntax and Logic errors from the programmer and invalid code, allowing programmers to focus more on debugging Runtime errors


    Tuesday 9 August 2016

    Sumary Notes Jackson Cook

    Summary Notes     Jackson Cook

    CPU: Central Processing Unit – the ‘brain’ of the digital system, as it handles most of the systems data manipulation.

    GPU: Graphic Processing Unit – very fast High speed processor designed for high speed graphics through graphics card.

    Primary storage: Primary storage is a computer Random Access Memory (RAM), this means it can only stores data and information whilst the power is on.

    Secondary Storage: Stores data and information when they are not being used. It is most common for it being stored on the hard disk drive.


    Operating System
    Operating systems such as Macintosh, Windows and Linux is software that controls a computer’s hardware and runs the users application.

    Software Development tool:
    Essential tools including: Editor, Compiler, Linker, Debugger.
    Editor: a specialised word processor that is used for creating human readable source code.

    IDE Integrated Development Environment
    Creates an environment for programmers to input code through, and potentially create interface for.

    Example: Microsoft Visual Studio

    Data Types:

    Text: Alphabetical, characters, punctuation – any group of characters that can be typed.

    Integers: Whole numbers, no fractions

    Date/Time: used to perform complex time and date calculations

    Boolean: True or False, checks whether data is checked or not.

    Structure Diagrams:

    IPO Chart: Used to design programs algorithms and formulas in its basic form of input, processing and Output

    Object Description: OD is used for the naming and behaviour of objects used in code. E.g lblInput

    Pseudocode: Fake code, used to organise the structure of the algorithm.
    Interface Mockup: simple layout of interface to show how the data will be inputted and outputted.

    Fundamental Programming Concepts
    Compiled and Interpreted
    Compiled: programming code that can only be read by computeR
    Interpreted: Programming code that can be read by the programmer

    Internal Documentation: Explanation of the functional and purpose of the source code


    Logic Error: Logic errors are made when the programmers structure is incorrect, making the program innoficiant.

    Syntax Error: Syntax Errors are where the source code is invalid creating invalid instructions that the program can’t read.

    Runtime Errors: Runtime Errors are caused by factors caused through the hardware.

    Monday 8 August 2016




    Sub to JmkHD
    Rahul's Notes:

    Input --> Processing --> Output

    CPU - central processing unit
    Eg. Intel core i7-6700K
    GPU - graphical processing unit
    Eg. Nvidia geforce gtx 1080
    RAM - random access memory
    Eg. G.Skill Ripjaws 32GB DDR4 4500Mhz RAM

    Building Software
     - Editor
         Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015
     - Compiler
         Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015
     - Linker
         Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015
     - Debugger
         Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015

    IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
         Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015
    1. Form
    2. Toolbox
    3. Code Window
    4. Properties Window
    5. Debugger
    6. Project manager

    PSM (Problem Solving Methodology)

     - economic
    Eg. $$$
     - time
    Eg. Tick Tock
     - technical
    Eg. Computer Breaks Down
     - social
    Eg. You have no friends
     - legal
    Eg. You're getting sued for being a donkey
     - usability
    Eg. Idk

    Stuffs to do:
    - Data dictionary

    - Object Table

    - Programming Concepts
       * Compiled programming language - standalone programs
         Eg. Executables
       * Interpreted Language - depends on the IDE to output
         Eg. HTML
    - Modular Programming
    Eg. Programming that is modular
    - Design Tools
       * IPO Chart
       * Mockup
       * Pseudocode
       * Data Dictionary
       * Object Table

    Eg. TempVar
     - Associated = local
     - available to all objects = global

    Functions - procedures that return a value

    Pseudocode - stuffs you write in scructrd engwish coz u n=eed to no for Thi eggzam
     1. Declare Variables
     2. Read in Data
     3. Calculate
     4. Display Output

    Data Validation - 3 types
     1. Data Type Check - makes sure it is in correct format
       Eg. Check for alphanumerical data
     2. Range Check - to ensure it is within given range
       Eg. Number must be between 68 and 70
     3. Existence Check - to make sure it is actually there
         Eg. So the user doesn't type " " Internal Documentation
     - Something that Callandra forgot to do for one of her really long python programs (Notes within a program that allows the programmed (YOU) or others working on it to know what the code is about.) :D

              - Syntax
              - Logic
              - Runtime
     Desk Checking
     Test Data
     Alpha Testing
     Beta Testing
     Formal Testing

    Data Visualisation

    Watch these two videos - see how Hans Rosling presents data.

    Presentation 1: Myths About the Developing World:

    Presentation 2: New Insights on Poverty and Life Around the World:

    Week 9 notes

    Data and Information:

    There are two basic types of data

    Quantitative Data is measurable and specific and therefore easier to represent in  a visual format, It also tends to be numerical

    Qualitative Data is generally allows for rich descriptions and represents the participant's feelings or opinions

    Quantitative data tends to be less time consuming to collect than qualitative data, however the information that is collected is not in detailed as in Qualitative data due to its numerical natures.

    Both types of data are usually collected through techniques such as:

    • Questionnaires and Surveys
    • Focus Groups
    • Interviews
    • and Observation
    Consequently, they are visually represented through graphs such as Pie or Bar charts or Info-graphics.

    Digital Systems:

    Digital Systems are divided into three groups:
    • Communication Devices
    • Communication Software
    • Internet Services
    Communication devices such as routers allow communication and exchange of data, instructions and information between two devices,

    Communication software (such as network operating systems) are programs or apps designed to pass or support the movement/exchange of information.
    Internet services are programs or software that support the use of resources found on the internet, for example, internet browsers enable users to view webpages and cloud storage provide a backup location for data that can be accessed by multiple devices.

    Approaches to problem solving:

    It is often unsuitable to report on data using its raw form so there are various graphic solution used to visually represent data such as:
    • Charts
    • Flowcharts
    • Images
    • Hierarchies
    • Animations
    • Maps
    • Infographics
    • Etc.
    However there are several conventions for graphic solutions that must be followed:

    The solution must be functional, which means it is useable across many mediums and easily accessible and it's appearance must follow conventions related to alignment, repetition, contrast and 

    Additionally it must have a clear title, appropriate font, shapes,lines and arrows that divide sections of information as well as colours and contrasting brightness that make the solution pleasant to the eyes/

    It is equally as important to include the source of your data as well as a legend so that clients can easily interpret the data and be assured of it's credibility.
