Monday 8 August 2016

Week 9 notes

Data and Information:

There are two basic types of data

Quantitative Data is measurable and specific and therefore easier to represent in  a visual format, It also tends to be numerical

Qualitative Data is generally allows for rich descriptions and represents the participant's feelings or opinions

Quantitative data tends to be less time consuming to collect than qualitative data, however the information that is collected is not in detailed as in Qualitative data due to its numerical natures.

Both types of data are usually collected through techniques such as:

  • Questionnaires and Surveys
  • Focus Groups
  • Interviews
  • and Observation
Consequently, they are visually represented through graphs such as Pie or Bar charts or Info-graphics.

Digital Systems:

Digital Systems are divided into three groups:
  • Communication Devices
  • Communication Software
  • Internet Services
Communication devices such as routers allow communication and exchange of data, instructions and information between two devices,

Communication software (such as network operating systems) are programs or apps designed to pass or support the movement/exchange of information.
Internet services are programs or software that support the use of resources found on the internet, for example, internet browsers enable users to view webpages and cloud storage provide a backup location for data that can be accessed by multiple devices.

Approaches to problem solving:

It is often unsuitable to report on data using its raw form so there are various graphic solution used to visually represent data such as:
  • Charts
  • Flowcharts
  • Images
  • Hierarchies
  • Animations
  • Maps
  • Infographics
  • Etc.
However there are several conventions for graphic solutions that must be followed:

The solution must be functional, which means it is useable across many mediums and easily accessible and it's appearance must follow conventions related to alignment, repetition, contrast and 

Additionally it must have a clear title, appropriate font, shapes,lines and arrows that divide sections of information as well as colours and contrasting brightness that make the solution pleasant to the eyes/

It is equally as important to include the source of your data as well as a legend so that clients can easily interpret the data and be assured of it's credibility.


1 comment:

  1. These are notes from Unit 1... the homework was to write a summary of the Unit 2 Outcome 1 topic: Programming!
