Input --> Processing --> Output
CPU - central processing unit
Eg. Intel core i7-6700K
GPU - graphical processing unit
Eg. Nvidia geforce gtx 1080
RAM - random access memory
Eg. G.Skill Ripjaws 32GB DDR4 4500Mhz RAM
Building Software
- Editor
Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015
- Compiler
Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015
- Linker
Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015
- Debugger
Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Eg. Visual Studio Community 2015
1. Form
2. Toolbox
3. Code Window
4. Properties Window
5. Debugger
6. Project manager
PSM (Problem Solving Methodology)
- economic
Eg. $$$
- time
Eg. Tick Tock
- technical
Eg. Computer Breaks Down
- social
Eg. You have no friends
- legal
Eg. You're getting sued for being a donkey
- usability
Eg. Idk
Stuffs to do:
- Data dictionary
- Object Table
- Programming Concepts
* Compiled programming language - standalone programs
Eg. Executables
* Interpreted Language - depends on the IDE to output
- Modular Programming
Eg. Programming that is modular
- Design Tools
* IPO Chart
* Mockup
* Pseudocode
* Data Dictionary
* Object Table
Eg. TempVar
- Associated = local
- available to all objects = global
Functions - procedures that return a value
Pseudocode - stuffs you write in scructrd engwish coz u n=eed to no for Thi eggzam
1. Declare Variables
2. Read in Data
3. Calculate
4. Display Output
Data Validation - 3 types
1. Data Type Check - makes sure it is in correct format
Eg. Check for alphanumerical data
2. Range Check - to ensure it is within given range
Eg. Number must be between 68 and 70
3. Existence Check - to make sure it is actually there
Eg. So the user doesn't type " " Internal Documentation
- Something that Callandra forgot to do for one of her really long python programs (Notes within a program that allows the programmed (YOU) or others working on it to know what the code is about.) :D
- Syntax
- Logic
- Runtime
Desk Checking
Test Data
Alpha Testing
Beta Testing
Formal Testing
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